Earlier this year, after coming across this post, sourcable.net asked me to comment on why engineers should be involved early in projects. “I think early engagement with engineers allows you to explore a lot more possibilities and solutions and not be constrained so much”. As well as discussing the benefits of early engagement of engineers, this article also discuss the barriers to doing so. To read the full article on sourceable.net click here.
And I should also mention – when I refer to sharing drawings…of course I also mean to include models! Really I should have said sharing design information, which is what really working as a collaborative team is about.
When do you engage with engineers? What stops you doing so earlier? Do engineers want to be involved early, or would you rather wait until the architect has ‘finished designing’? (Now there is a topic for another day!) Do you see benefits to sharing more information across the consultant team?
Ceilidh Higgins
Image Credits: “Breakfast” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Ron Wooten